Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Good afternoon. Daniel here.

I remember when I was just a kid my parents made me keep a diary. They claimed it would help me recall things. Keep me young. Fountain of youth, they said.

A decade and a half and a few sluggish journal entries later, we have social networking. I get the feeling that I might not ever need help recalling anything ever again. Whether I like it or not, my life for the past four-ish years has been recorded on Facebook, and I can look back through the pages as if it were a journal--sans the honest green backing and crinkly, lined paper--and relive moments from the past. Hello fountain of youth.

I think the thing I miss most about those green diaries was their intentionality. Sometimes I really didn't want to write anything, but no matter how unwilling I was to document my life, I always did so with purpose. You could choose the things you put down as milestones in your life. You could find the small triumphs in the mundane life of a child and etch them into eternity. You could save the moments worth saving.

I don't know if anyone is interested in reading another blog, and frankly I don't care. With social networking becoming a popularity contest, I pray there are still places where we can go to record our little victories. I pray there is still space for the mundane. For things that no one will comment on or like.

This blog is a hardback green diary.

I know life is going to get a little crazy, and I want to have a place where I can store the good bits. I'll probably forget to post many of the adventures God shows me and my friends on this run, but this page is where I'll try.

This page is lined in blue.


  1. Yes! I am posting from Europe to let you know I am in favor of this.

  2. Well, frankly, I'm interested in reading another blog. Especially one written by those friends fertile of mind and active in life.

    And I couldn't agree more on the value of maintaining an intentional journal. Not just to record little victories, but also monumental failures -- where the power of reflection is at its greatest.

    Looking forward to following along,

